Vegan Delight, Benjamin Zephaniah (plus vegan onion bhajji recipe)

By British poet, Benjamin Zephaniah, a poem called “Vegan Delight
One of the item mentions in the poem, Onion Bhajee (also known as pakora), eaten as a snack food or starter, is included here. Adjust the seasonings and chillies to taste.

Onion Bhajji

100 g / 4oz chickpea flour (also known as besan or gram flour)

1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon chilli powder

1 large onion, halved and thinly sliced
1 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped (adjust to taste)
fresh curry leaves or fresh coriander

cold water to make batter
vegetable oil for frying

Sift the flour, baking powder, salt, and seasonings, herbs and chillies to taste. Mix well.
Gradually add enough water to the flour and spice mixture make a smooth batter.
Add onion.
Mixing very well so the onions are well coated.
Preheat enough oil, to cover the battered onion, in a fryer to 180ºC / 350ºF.
Carefully drop spoonfuls of the mixture into the hot oil and fry until golden brown.
Drain on kitchen paper towel, serve hot.
Repeat until all the onions are cooked.

Zephaniah also wrote the foreword to From Dusk ’til Dawn: An insider’s view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement, a book by Keith Mann about the Animal Liberation Front.

Speaking, here, in this video, Zephaniah talks about veganism, and how it has made him strong.

The poem, Vegan Delight, reproduced here, if anyone wants to (copy & paste)

Ackeess,chapatties, Dumplins an nan, Channa an rotis, Onion uttapam,
Masala dosa, Green callaloo, Bhel an samosa, Corn an aloo.
Yam an cassava, Pepperpot stew, Rotlo an guava, Rice an tofu,
Puri, paratha, Sesame casserole, Brown eggless pasta, An brown bread rolls.

Soya milked muesli, Soya bean curd, Soya sweet sweeties, Soya’s de word,
Soya bean margarine, Soya bean sauce, What can mek medicine?
Soya of course.

Soya meks yoghurt, Soya ice-cream, Or soya sorbet, Soya reigns supreme,
Soya sticks liquoriced, Soya salads, Try any soya dish
Soya is bad.

Plantain an tabouli, Cornmeal pudding, Onion bhajee, With plenty cumin,
Breadfruit an coconuts, Molasses tea, Dairy free omelettes, Very chilli.
Ginger bread, nut roast, Sorell, paw paw, Cocoa an rye toast, I tek dem on tour,
Drinking cool maubi, Meks me feel sweet,

What was dat question now?

Although, dairy-free or not, omelettes are not vegan.

Feedback welcome.

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