Archive for April, 2012

24 April, 2012

Vegan Feminist Pirate

Animal Liberation = Earth Liberation = Human Liberation


The word ā€œveganā€ (/ĖˆviĖÉ”ən/) was invented in 1944, by Elsie Shrigley and Donald Watson, who founded the UK Vegan Society. The British Vegan Society defines veganism this way:

The word veganism denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude ā€” as far as is possible and practical ā€” all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.


Anyone who is involved with Animal Liberation or Animal Rights Activism today can see how since 1944, the word has been twisted and pulled in all directions, and in some instances, ignored all together, anā€¦

View original post 1,670 more words

14 April, 2012

Is This What Abolitionist Veganism Has Come Down To?

I can honestly say that I don’t know anything about Randy W. Sandberg, but I have seen people tweet him into my twitter feed. But some fast research (google) has showed that he is / was Gary Francione’s webmaster (

There is no mention of veganism or anything even close in his bio!/randywsandberg although, he may have a separate account for proselytising, I mean, being vegan.

Ayn Rand, the darling of the Tea-Party in the USA, of the Religious Right Wing Republicans cutting a swathe through women’s rights in parliaments and capital buildings across the USA.

There isn’t a lot of compassion contained within the writings of Rand, and I’m sure there are a vegan Tea-Partiers, vegan is outside of politics, and are left, right, centre and every shade in between. But Ayn Rand?

And while everyone is perfectly entitled to their own political views, this just reinforces what I have been told about certain Abolitionists, who no longer identify as such, but when they did, in my experience used threats of force to raise money (I have screen shots of these incidences)… wouldn’t it be better to just get back to saving some animals.

11 April, 2012

Changing The World

all available for personal use, but don’t put your name on it, if you know you didn’t create it, if you want to use any, a link back to my blog would be appreciated if you want to

Text of image: Maybe you can’t change the entire world, but you can change the world for one person.

text of image: I can’t change the whole world, but I can change my little corner of it.

text of image: if you want to change the world, change yourself

10 April, 2012

Every life is a pile of good things and bad things (from Doctor Who)

Sometimes, an activist, whether for human rights, earth rights or animal rights – thinks Why do we do what we do? Does it even make a difference?
Even if you can improve someone’s life for one minute, or save the life of one animal or clean one tiny corner of the world, it is adding to all the good in the world, it makes a difference.

It doesn’t just change the world, but it changes us.

text of image
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things donā€™t always soften the bad things. But vice versa – the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant.
Vincent and the Doctor – Doctor Who

This is Don McLean singing Vincent. It describes how one man didn’t think he made any difference during his own life time and it is years later the impact of his life is still being felt.

text added by redglitterx to an image of The Starry Night, a Vincent Van Gogh painting

10 April, 2012

Deeds Not Words

This photo taken in 1908 of the British Suffragettes, as they fought for the right to vote.

Deeds Not Words

Deeds Not Words

9 April, 2012

Animal Rights Activists In Action (video)

Stop UBC Animal Research
Working to end research on animals at the university of British Columbia

9 April, 2012

Beauty Products That Test On Animals Are Not Beautiful

text of image:
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Beauty Products That Test On Animals Are Not Beautiful

digitally altered by redglitterx based on a photo of Cover Girl lipstick. Cover Girl owned by Procter & Gamble who are one of the biggest animal testers in the world

8 April, 2012

ā€œcheerfulā€ omnivore is an oxymoron, no? or are you genuinely cheerful about factory farming?

By X (I won’t use their name)

Dear Cheerful Omnivore,

Your name says it all. Youā€™re cheerful about consuming animals that quite obviously donā€™t want to be consumed. Seriously, why do you even bother defending animal consumption? A reasonable justification for animal consumption (flesh or secretions) simply does not exist. Iā€™m so very tired of pseudo-intellectuals like yourself rationalizing your selfish, willfully uninformed habits with a bunch of BS arguments backed by no legitimate science. Hereā€™s the thing, Cheerful. You donā€™t NEED to eat animals or animal by-products in order to get enough protein, iron, calcium, etc. You donā€™t NEED to eat animals to live a long, healthy life. You know this. In fact, you know that consuming animals is the quickest path to cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, premature aging, etc. You know that vegans get plenty of fiber and consume zero dietary cholesterol. You know that you get insufficient amounts of fiber from animal products and plenty of artery-clogging dietary cholesterol. You probably also know that animal products are acidic. When you consume them, your body leaches calcium phosphate from your bones, uses the phosphate to neutralize the acidity and expels the calcium through urine. As a result, cheerful omnivores need to consume more calcium than vegans, because the calcium you consume from dairy products is not fully absorbed by the body. Iā€™m guessing you insist on cheerfully eating animals because you like the way they taste. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s your only true argument. You cheerfully eat tortured animals because you either: a) donā€™t care or b) donā€™t realize the full extent of animal torture occurring on a daily basis.

Letā€™s start with birds. Male chicks never become adults. Instead, male chicks slide down a chute into a macerating machine that grinds them alive. Female chickens either spend their lives confined to small cages, unable to even spread their wings, or are kept in large warehouses (ā€œcage freeā€œ) where they spend their entire lives in darkness. These are animals that are capable of understanding their place in a pecking order of as many as 90 chickens. Their confined living quarters, however, ensure the collapse of their natural social structures. Chickens are debeaked and their wings are clipped without anesthesia. Every single turkey consumed in America is the result of artificial insemination, as they are too obese to reproduce naturally. Farmers grab the turkeys, turn them upside down, splay their legs and jam a straw-like tool containing semen into their vents. Thatā€™s called rape.

Male piglets are castrated without anesthesia. Sometimes the farmer or factory worker accidentally cuts the piglet open, releasing the pigletā€™s intestines. The farmer will attempt to stuff the intestines back inside the piglet. If the piglet dies, the farmer removes the intestines and includes them in a gruel they FEED TO THE PIGS. Pigs are also subjected to tail docking, again without anesthesia. Female pigs are not allowed to make nests. They are confined to gestation or farrowing crates.

A female dairy cow is raped, i.e., artificially inseminated, in order to keep her constantly pregnant. Her udder becomes engorged and infected. When she gives birth, her child is immediately taken from her. Male calves are sent to slaughterhouses, so the mother never has the opportunity to spend any time with her child. Life isnā€™t much better for cows at the slaughterhouses. When a cow arrives at a slaughterhouse, its horns are cut off with bolt cutters. Legally cows must be stunned prior to slaughter. A metal bolt is injected between the cowā€˜s eyes. If done correctly the animal dies, but mistakes are common. It is not uncommon for improperly stunned cows to be hoisted upside down and dismembered while fully conscious.

The aforementioned atrocities merely scratch the surface. Perhaps you are already aware and simply devalue life. The animals that you cheerfully eat suffer because you actually believe animals are subservient to humans. If you did not believe this, then you would not eat them. Do a little research before you post. Oh, and spare me the anticipated retort: ā€œI research the source of my animal flesh/eggs/dairy and only purchase from suppliers who offer free range animal products.ā€ Free range is a misnomer regardless and hardly represents a moral high ground. Killing is killing. So go ahead and hide behind pretentious ten dollar words. Endorse speciesism. Itā€™s between you and your conscience.

To the OP: Thank you!!

Source: comment#627

This was a brilliant, intelligent, logical comment left on my blog, in response to 21 Stupid Things People Say To Vegans, too good to be buried in the comments section on a really old post. I’ve copied it word for word, no editing at all. The original poster of this comment owns their copywrite to their words.

This was in response to CheerfulOmnivore, whose response seemed bitter and trolly (hint: You’re on a Pro-Vegan blog, what do expect, for me to pat you on the shoulder and say “there, there” at your corpse-eating ways).

The original post was based on comments I got from Facebook about why people eat meat, it was not a university essay on the ethics of eating meat.

I’m not sure of the ethics of taking a comment and featuring it as post, I’m not sure if it is their own words, or if they were quoting from books. Also I only have an email, and not a name, and I will not even fake a name from that, so I don’t even know how to give proper credit – except click the link to see the comment in its original… But I really wanted to share this comment.

8 April, 2012

Happy International Chocolate Day


image and background by @redglitterx

8 April, 2012

Capitalism is the new religion, money is the new God

text of image: Capitalism is the new religion, money is the new God

text of image:
When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. ā€” Dom Helder Camara