Archive for March, 2010

3 March, 2010

9.6 million dead animals… business as usual

There are approximately 9.6 million animals euthanised in the United States… the bulk of these animals for no reason except the expense it takes to care for them long enough to find them homes….

This is just the animals rejected at the shelters – in one country.

Why does this not shock people? How about the fact that the majority of these are killed/murdered/slaughtered by ASPCA, PETA and HSUS – The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and The Humane Society of the United States.


How “humane”, “ethical” or “cruelty prevention” is the deliberate preventable deaths of almost 10 million animals?

Questions need to be asked before anyone hands over their donations as to exactly where they spend that money.

Just like you would for any charity or animal organisation, a pretty name can disguise their real agenda.

As discovered here Celebrity Vegans and Vegetarians – any person or group can say they are for animals, but words are meaningless without actions

Almost 10 million animals are murdered and to these large organisations not only is it business as usual, but it is also very profitable business.

Feedback welcome.